Saturday, May 20, 2006

Blogs, and Wikis and Listservs, Oh MY!

I presented at the St. Charles Public Library's TnT - Twenties and Thirties program titled "Blogs, and Wikis and Listservs, oh MY!" with Rich Virgilio on May 17th. The presentation was aimed helping twenty and thirty-somethings develop a personal and professional online presence using web sites, blogs, wikis and listservs. It was held at a local coffee shop near the library which made for an intersting and unique experience.

Here's a link to my PowerPoint Slides.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My librarians are blogging!

Exciting news for the Murphy Library, our librarians are blogging...and they are actually excited about it!

When Jo Beckwith was recently appointed coordinator of the College's LTA program she asked me to help her create a blog to keep in touch with participants. She was hoping it would be easier to update and maintain than a mailing list. I spent a little time showing her the basics of Blogger and she hit the ground running. She posts information about the program as well as other LTA related topics including news and job postings and links of interest. She also encourages faculty and students to connect with each other through the blog as well. She is hoping to find co-authors as the LTA program and the blog grow. Take a peek:

Michelle Carter, Librarian and knitter extraordinaire, recently created a blog for the library. Michelle and I kept a travel blog together on our trip to Europe last Spring so she was already a seasoned veteran at blogging by the time she created BlogAbout Murphy Library. The blog has replaced the library websites's news section and will also be used to post tips and other helpful information for students, staff and the community. Michelle wanted the library blog to be visually stimulating as well and has asked me to take pictures around campus that she uploads to blogger and adds to her posts. She is currently training one of our part-time librarians to use blogger too!

I invision a not too distant future in which all my librarians will be contributing to the library blog or have a blog of their very own.

This is an awesome start and I couldn't be more proud.